

Chinese PhD Programs 中文哲学博士项目

In Partnership with Columbia Biblical Seminary (CBS) and the College of Intercultural Studies (CICS) at Columbia International University (CIU)

与哥伦比亚圣经学院 (CBS) 和哥伦比亚国际大学 (CIU) 跨文化研究学院 (CICS) 合办

General Information 一般信息

Purpose and Objectives 目的和目标

Columbia International University (CIU) is dedicated to interdisciplinary worldview formation that equips Christian leaders for community service worldwide. In line with this purpose, the Institute offers Chinese-language PhD programs in partnership with Columbia Biblical Seminary (CBS) and the College of Intercultural Studies (CICS) at CIU. The general aim of the programs is to train prospective leaders serving in the fields of theological education and academic research for churches in China and the broader Sinophone world. Dissertations may be written in Chinese and defended in Mandarin. 

哥伦比亚国际大学 (CIU) 致力于构建跨学科的世界观,以装备基督教领袖在全球范围内服侍社区。为此,学院与哥伦比亚圣经学院(CBS)和CIU的跨文化研究学院(CICS)合作提供中文哲学博士课程。本项目的总体目标是为中国教会和更广泛的华语世界培养在神学教育和学术研究领域服务的未来领袖。论文可用中文撰写并用普通话答辩。

Our PhD degrees are accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE),and PhD degree in Intercultural Studies is also accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and those in other concentrations are also accredited by the Association of Theological Schools(ATS). The candidate will be required to compose and defend an original work of academic research (120,000-150,000 words for the CICS program; 135,000-165,000 words for the CBS programs) in the Chinese language for successful completion of the degree.

我们的哲学博士学位获得了圣经高等教育协会 (ABHE) 的认证,其中跨文化研究方向还被SACSCOC(美南院校协会)认证;其它方向还受ATS(美加神学协会)认证。候选人需用中文撰写一篇原创的学术研究作品并完成答辩(CICS项目 120,000-150,000 字;CBS项目 135,000-165,000 字)才能成功完成学位。

Foundational coursework is offered in conjunction with Columbia Biblical Seminary and the College of Intercultural Studies at CIU. Each candidate will work under the supervision of a doctoral mentor fluent in both English and Mandarin, with demonstrated expertise in the candidate’s chosen field of study.


Specific purposes and objectives for each program are indicated below under “Program-Specific Information.”


Residency Policies 驻校政策

The programs are non-residential and candidates are not required to study in residence. Requisite coursework, supervision, and other resources will all be available online. Candidates, however, have the option to complete any part of the program on campus.


Time Limitation 时间限制

The time limitation for completing a PhD is ten years, from the candidate’s first seminar to dissertation defense and graduation. 


The programs are designed so that candidates who pursue their research and writing at the pace of 9 credits (for CICS) / 6 credits (for CBS) each semester should be able to complete their degrees in three years. Candidates who pursue their research and writing at the pace of 4.5 credits (for CICS) / 3 credits (for CBS) each semester should be able to complete their degrees in five years. If candidates extend their studies beyond the planned timeframe, they will pay a continuation fee for each semester they remain in the program. 


General Admission Requirements 一般入学要求

In addition to the general graduate application requirement of the University and the respective PhD admission requirements of Columbia Biblical Seminary and the College of Intercultural Studies, applicants to the CBS and CICS Chinese PhD programs should demonstrate working knowledge of the Chinese language sufficient for academic writing. Additionally, the applicant must demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in the English language. 

除了大学的一般研究生申请要求和哥伦比亚圣经学院和跨文化研究学院各自的博士入学要求外,CBS 和 CICS 中文哲学博士项目的申请者还应展示足以进行学术写作的中文工作知识。此外,申请人必须展示一定的英语水平。

Standardized English proficiency test scores are not required for admission. However, as a prerequisite for the dissertation stage, candidates whose native language is not English must pass one of the standardized English proficiency tests below with minimum scores as indicated:


  • TOEFL (Paper Based Test): minimum score 550 (out of 677) 
  • 托福(纸笔考试):最低分 550(满分 677)

  • TOEFL (Computer Based Test): minimum score 213 (out of 300) 
  • 托福(机考):最低分 213(满分 300)

  • TOEFL (Internet Based Test): minimum score 79 (out of 120) 
  • 托福(网考):最低分 79(满分 120)

  • Duolingo: minimum 105
  • 多邻国: 最低分 105

Candidates in the Chinese program may use satisfactory English proficiency test results as a substitute for one concentration-specific theological research language (usually French, German or Latin) required for degree completion, if English is not their native language. 


For program-specific admission requirements, please refer to “Program-Specific Information” below.


The Chinese PhD programs include the following concentrations: (Click the links below to view "Project Specific Information") 

Staff and Mentors 员工和导师

All mentors in the PhD programs are fluent in English and Mandarin. Contracted on an adjunct basis, our growing list of mentors is comprised of highly qualified scholars in Intercultural Studies, Theological Studies, Biblical Studies, and Practical Theology. If candidates have a preferred mentor who is not on the list but still fits our vision, we will consider inviting him/her to join the team. (Click the links above to view "Project Specific Information")



跨文化研究 神学研究 实践神学 圣经研究(新约/旧约)
1. 提交申请 点击“开始报名”按钮在线提交报名表
2. 缴纳申请费 缴纳25美元申请费
3. 教义标准 确认自己是基督徒并同意CIU的教义标准
3. 认证学位 文硕(M.A.)、道硕(M. Div)、神硕(Th.M),或海外同等学历证明,并且:
其硕士学位课程必须提供相关的基础知识(圣经,神学,文化,和宣教学研究)。其中至少有 18个学分的课程内容与跨文化研究相关。 须至少修读过4个学期的实践或应用神学课程
4. GPA要求 硕士阶段的学分GPA不低于3.25(或同等水平) 硕士阶段的学分GPA不低于3.5(或同等水平)
5. 学术写作样本/硕士论文 30-40页 5,000-6,000英文字或7,500-9,000 中文字
6. 研究计划/个人陈述 2000英文字或3000中文字的个人陈述 约500英文字,或750中文字
7. 英语要求 国际学生英语能力证明,托福79或同等水平以上
8. 其它语言/经验要求 3年以上跨文化宣教或侍奉经验者优先 4个学期的圣经语言(希伯来文和/或希腊文) 4个学期的希伯来文,2个学期的希腊文
9. 推荐信 两封证明学术研究能力的推荐信,及:
10. 面试 通过录取委员会面试评估
11. 学习环境 成功完成项目所需的稳定网络的书面确认和描述(请包括申请人可用的特定搜索引擎等信息)
12. 研究资源 需要使用本地或在线图书馆研究资源
13. 学费(美元/学分) 580 530
14. 转学分政策 最多可转入12小时的研究



1. 学位被哪里认证? 所有博士项目均被ABHE(圣经高等教育协 会)认证,其中跨文化研究方向还被SACSCOC(美南院校协会) 认证;其它三个方向受ATS(美加神学协会)认证。

2. 中国教育部认可吗? CIU的学位是被中国教育部认证,但目前中国对国外学历认证需要护照显示在境外就读,因此目前线上项目无法在中国取得认证。

3. CIU的博士是教牧学博士吗? CIU的博士是哲学博士(PHD),侧重研究能力的培养。教牧学博士(DMin)侧重实践能力的培养。

4. 授课方式? 100%在线学习,视频录播而非直播。允许学生使用中文作为论文写作语言,学术研究使用英文。学习者需要有稳定的网络环境。

5. 多久能学完博士课程? 最快3年,最长10年。

6. 课程如何设置? 每个专业方向不同,详见 各个项目的详细介绍

7. 博士项目学费是多少? 跨文化博士580美元/学分,其他专业530美元/学分,总共大约25000美金。

8. 学费是一次性支付吗? 不是,修一门课,交一门课的学费。

9. 申请需要有什么学位? 文硕/M.A.、道硕/M.Div、神硕/Th.M、或S.T.M。

10. 没有读神学可以申请博士吗? 没有读过神学建议先修读CIU的MA硕士课程。

11. 入学对英语有要求吗? 有的,要求托福79分或同等水平以上,成绩2年有效。

12. 是否有奖学金? 我们的博士学费用相当优惠,因此没有奖学金。

13. 什么形式考核? 考核形式有论文、读书报告、论讨讨论和考试等。

14. 论文如何安排? 和指导老师密切合作,在老师指导下完成。

15. 什么时候开学? 每年有三次开学时间:1月上旬(春季)、5月上旬(夏季)、9月上旬(秋季)。

16. 什么时候截止报名? 每季申请截止时间约为3月15日(春季)、7月15日(夏季)和11月15日(秋季)。

17. 是否有学生签证? 在线项目没有学生签证,不鼓励来美就读,特殊情况可以特殊申请。

18. 是否必须达到以上条件才能被录取? 在对所有学生的评估过程中,提交超过最低标准的成绩并不意味着一定不会被录取;在某些情形下,个别申请人的学分绩或测试成绩可能低于录取标准,但可能因某些方面的卓越潜能而被破格录取。在录取委员会的最终决定之前,申请人都可以补交材料,包括更新后的GPA等。



